April 18, 2016
Jessica Elebario, Director of Financial Aid at Mesalands, recently received the annual Philo Brasher Emerging Leadership Award presented by the Southwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. (SWASFAA). This award recognizes new and upcoming financial aid leaders from each state. Elebario was selected for this award because of her dedication and extraordinary leadership. She is highly involved in several committees on campus and frequently volunteers to help outside of her department. She is also very active within the community.
In addition to Elebario’s special recognition for winning this award, her conference fees for the 2016 New Mexico Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NMASFAA) will be waived. She also received a $500 scholarship ($250 from SWASFAA and $250 NMASFAA) to be awarded to a student at Mesalands.
Amanda Hammer, Director of Business and Auxiliary Services at Mesalands, was a recipient of this award in 2013.