Notice of Right to Inspect Public Records
By law, under the Inspection of Public Records Act, every person has the right to inspect the public records of Mesalands Community College. Compliance with requests to inspect public records is an integral part of the routine duties of the officers and employees of the college.
Procedures for Requesting Inspection
Our office accepts records requests via mail, in-person, fax, and email to the contact information included below. Requests should be directed to the Records Custodian:
The President’s Office
Mesalands Community College
911 South Tenth Street
Tucumcari, NM 88401
575-461-6601 Fax
A person desiring to inspect public records may submit a request to the Records Custodian orally or in writing. However, the procedures and penalties prescribed by the Act apply only to written requests. A written request must contain the name, address and telephone number of the person making the request. The request must describe the records sought in sufficient detail to enable the Records Custodian to identify and locate the requested records.
The Records Custodian must permit inspection immediately or as soon as practicable, but no later than 15 calendar days after the Records Custodian receives the inspection request. If inspection is not permitted within three business days, the person making the request will receive a written response explaining when the records will be available for inspection or when the public body will respond to the request. If any of the records sought are not available for public inspection, the person making the request is entitled to a written response from the Records Custodian explaining the reasons the inspection has been denied. The written denial shall be delivered or mailed within 15 calendar days after the Records Custodian receives the request for inspection.
Procedures for Requesting Physical Copies and Fees
There is no fee for records produced electronically. However, if a person requesting inspection would like a physical copy of a public record, a reasonable fee will be charged. The fee for printed documents 8.5 inches by 11 inches or smaller is $1.00 per page. The Records Custodian may request that applicable fees for copying public records be paid in advance before the copies are made. A receipt indicating that the fees have been paid will be provided upon request to the person requesting the copies.
Sexual Harassment and Staying Safe
Campus Safety and Security is available 24/7 and can be reached by dialing 8111 on a campus phone. They can help you contact the police if you wish to file a report or obtain a court issued protection order that can extend to the community.
The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to report campus crime data, support victims of violence, and publicly outline the policies and procedures they have put into place to improve campus safety.
Mesalands Crime Statistics are available to view here.
Feelings of being in danger are normal after experiencing or knowing someone who experienced sexual harassment. We recommend that these individuals coordinate with Campus Safety and Security.
Supportive measures are available if needed and can be arranged through our Title IX Coordinator. You do not need to file a formal complaint to receive supportive measures from Mesalands.
How to Report on Campus
Julio Galindo, Title IX Coordinator for Students Office Phone: (575) 461-6609 Email: [email protected]
Student Conduct/ Incident Report Form
Student Conduct and Procedures
Individuals are encouraged to seek mental health support when needed. Our on-campus resources are free. Contact Patricia Crook – Email: [email protected] Phone: (575) 461-6653
Emergency Services
Tucumcari Police Department (575) 461-2160
Emergency Number 911
Mesalands Campus Security (575) 461-8111
Mental Health Support

National Suicide and Crisis Hotline 988
Those Suffering from Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) helps people find local AA meetings and provides resources for alcohol addiction. Click here to find out more.
Rehab opportunities in New Mexico can be found here
Local Hospital
Dr Dan C Trigg Memorial Hospital (575) 461-7000
Identifying Signs of Sexual Harassment
Examples of Sexual Harassment
Sexual Assault
Dating / Domestic Violence
If you have experienced sexual harassment, we encourage you to come forward and seek assistance from Mesalands Community College. A full description of sexual harassment can be found in the Student Handbook here.
To report sexual harassment on campus, refer to the contact information mentioned above, or visit to complete the formal complaint form. You can also reach out to any Mesalands employee.
Please know that every employee at Mesalands is a mandatory reporter, meaning they need to report to the Title IX Coordinator when information is shared with them involving sexual harassment.
In addition to making a report at Mesalands, we encourage you to contact the police. However, it is your choice if you want to make an official police report; Mesalands will not report on your behalf.
Mesalands College strives to keep incidences of sexual harassment as confidential as possible. However, certain information may need to be shared for safety and investigative purposes. Any person processing an incident of sexual harassment will do so without bias or judgement.
Making A Report
There are a variety of resources on and off campus to help you report and heal, all listed above. If you have questions about the resources or reporting an incident contact Tammy Hall at [email protected]
Even if you are uncertain about reporting an incident, we urge you to preserve all evidence related to the incident. Evidence can include clothing, text messages, photos, bed sheets, and anything else involved in what happened. If you decide you do want to file a report with the police and/or Mesalands, having evidence intact will help any investigation that may follow a report.
It is the policy of Mesalands Community College to provide equal educational opportunities and not to discriminate based on race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, genetic information, physical or mental disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, marital status, veteran status, AIDS/HIV status, citizenship, or medical condition, as those terms are defined under applicable laws, in its educational programs, activities, or employment.
Questions or complaints? Contact Title IX Coordinator, or Title IX Coordinator, Julio Galindo, [email protected] 575-461-6609.
We have revised § 106.8 to require recipients to prominently display on recipient websites the contact information for the recipient’s Title IX Coordinator, and to state that any person may report sexual harassment by using the Title IX Coordinator’s listed contact information.