Mesalands Community College in the next week, will reduce in-class time and ensure faculty are fully functional online. The faculty will eliminate meeting in class except where labs are necessary.
Classes will continue through
next week, under these restrictions (March 16-20). The following week is Spring
Break (March 23-27). During that time, the College will ensure all courses are
available online. Students will be updated regarding classes following Spring
Mesalands Community College
moved to an online model for every course, on campus or off, in the last year.
They have utilized new technology in the last year enabling faculty to teach
In the last year Mesalands
Community College has incorporated online learning in every class they offer. They
have also implemented new technology to make this possible. This forward
thinking has allowed Mesalands Community College to better meet the needs of their
students in these circumstances. Their unique hands-on learning style has complimented
the instatement of new technology while keeping the practical practices of real-world
training. Mesalands Community College is proud to continue offering career
building education, where learning meets doing.
Mesalands Community College
published an Emergency Operation Guide for Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases.
Mesalands Community College’s athletics are currently competing at a voluntary level, giving students the option to participate while maintaining their scholarships in this time of caution. Rodeos have been cancelled until April, as of this release. The Golf team is to begin their season March 28; however, the season has been cancelled by the NCCGA. Students will be notified as things progress.