“Since the Museum cannot do our usual Fright Night this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, we have come up with something we think would be fun for the whole community of Tucumacri.” Said Museum Director Loni Monahan.
Curb Side Trick-or-Treat? has been approved by the Governor’s office. The museum will decorate the front of the museum for Halloween and give curbside treats to the kids as they drive by using a fishing net for them to grab treats from. The museum is inviting area businesses and residents to participate in the activity October 31st 5p.m. – 8 p.m.
Maps will be dispersed at the museum leading to participating businesses across town. Participating businesses are required to abide by Social Distancing guidelines including masks and non-gathering restrictions of groups no larger than five. Trick-or-Treaters are not to leave their vehicles and candy is to be disbursed through a fishing net from a distance compatible with CDC guidelines.
Businesses who would wish to participate are to send their business name and address to [email protected] or call 760-271-1314. Maps will be provided at the first stop, the Dinosaur Museum and Natural Sciences Laboratory.