Classes on Campus and Online Begin

The Governor has determined courses in the Applied Sciences (Silversmithing, Wind Energy, Farrier, . . .etc.) are able to hold in-person courses while following CDC guidelines. The State Reopening Guidance states,  “Colleges and universities will be deploying online and remote learning across their campuses this fall except for clinicals, practicum or field-based experiences for critical workforce areas, such as healthcare, and vocational education.”

The Fitness Facility will continue to be closed. The campus is closed to the public until courses begin August 17th and will be limited to those students who are attending Applied Science (Vocational) courses.

To all employees on campus, a single entry (Main entrance at Building A) will be utilized for entry to campus. A process for entry can be found in the College’s Reopen document on pages 8 and 9.

Mesalands administration and designated staff are closely monitoring reports on the status of COVID-19 from the New Mexico Department of Health, as well as other reporting received from the New Mexico Higher Education Department. It is all of our duty to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 on campus, in the community, and in our state.

Please review the Reopening document and regarding plans and procedures regarding COVID-19. These procedures are subject to change based on COVID-19 positive cases on campus and the local hospital load exceeding 85%.