Below is an alphabetical list of subscription databases that are available to Mesalands students, faculty, and staff. Visit to login.
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Academic OneFile (Gale InfoTrac)
Journals and Magazines. Includes the New York Times back to 1995. [Full-text]
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
A multi-disciplinary database of journals and also includes video content from the Associated Press. [Some full-text]
Agriculture Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
Comprises over 200 agricultural periodicals as well as relevant, in-depth reference titles. [Full-text]
Albuquerque Journal
American History Online (Infobase)
Business and Company ASAP (Gale InfoTrac)
Company profiles, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, chronologies, and periodicals. [Some full-text]
Business Insights Essentials (Gale InfoTrac)
Information on companies and industries–news, statistical data, and in-depth reports.
Careers in Focus eBooks (Gale InfoTrac)
Comprehensive series surveys a wide array of commonly held jobs. (Gale InfoTrac)
Automotive repair information.
Chronicle of Higher Education
Definitive tool for finding journal literature for nursing and allied health disciplines. [Some full-text]
Communication and Mass Media Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
Coverage of advertising, public relations, communications, literature, writing, and linguistics. [Full-text]
Computers and Applied Sciences Complete (EBSCO)
Research and development of the computing and applied sciences disciplines. It contains collected knowledge on traditional engineering challenges and research and is a resource for research concerning the business and social implications of new technology. [Some full-text]
Computer Database (Gale InfoTrac)
Locate computer-related product introductions, news, and reviews in disciplines, such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications, and the application of technology. [Some full-text]
Criminal Justice Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
Contains over 200 publications related to the field of criminal justice. [Some full-text]
Culinary Arts Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
250 major cooking and nutrition magazines including recipes, restaurant reviews, industry information, and instruction. [Full-text]
Diversity Studies (Gale InfoTrac)
Explores cultural differences, contributions, and influences in our global community. [Full-text journals]
eBook Academic Collection (EBSCO)
Search, view, and download the full text of eBooks.
eBook Collection (EBSCO)
Search, view, and download the full text of eBooks. (Includes Academic and Community College collections.)
eBook Community College Collection (EBSCO)
Search, view, and download the full text of eBooks.
Education Research Complete (EBSCO)
Resource for education research. Includes all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. [Some full-text]
Education Research Complete (EBSCO)
Resource for education research. Includes all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. [Some full-text]
Environment Complete (EBSCO)
Coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine and freshwater science, geography, pollution and waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. [Some full-text]
Environmental Studies & Policy Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
Coverage of environmental issues and policies, including diverse perspectives from the scientific community, governmental policy makers, as well as corporate interests. [Some full-text]
Facts on File News Services Databases
Contains World News Digest, Today’s Science, and more. [Full-text]
Films on Demand
Curriculum-focused streaming video collections.
Fine Arts and Music Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
Over 5 million articles on all topics related to music, performance, art education, architecture, and more. [Some full-text]
Gale Virtual Reference Library (Gale InfoTrac)
Database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
Garden, Landscape, and Horticulture (Gale InfoTrac)
Information on gardening, landscaping, landscape architecture, and general horticultural information. [Some full-text]
General Business File ASAP
Broker research reports, trade publications, newspapers, journals, and company directory listings with full text and images for analyzing company performance and activity, industry events and trends as well as the latest in management, economics, and politics.
General OneFile (Gale InfoTrac)
A source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and general interest. [Full-text]
General Reference Center Gold (Gale InfoTrac)
Broad coverage of general interests. [Some full-text]
Health Reference Center (Facts on File)
Gives clear and comprehensive information on conditions and diseases, health and wellness, mental health, and the human body.
Health Reference Center Academic (Gale InfoTrac)
Resources for medicine, health, nursing, and allied health professions, including peer-reviewed journals, videos of medical procedures and surgeries, news coverage, and topical overviews.
History Reference Center (EBSCO) and HRC with Interface
Offers full-text from more than 2,400 reference books, encyclopedias, and non-fiction, cover-to-cover full-text for more than 130 leading history periodicals, more than 61,100 historical documents, 66,000 biographies of historical figures, more than 110,200 historical photos and maps, and more than 80 hours of historical video. [Full-text]
Home Improvement Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
Covers topics on home improvement from varied magazines and journals. [Some full-text]
Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
The historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism field. [Full_text]
Information Science and Library Issues (Gale InfoTrac)
Content from more than 100 leading industry journals. [Full-text]
Informe Académico (Gale InfoTrac)
Esta colección multidisciplinaria provee material iberoamericano confiable de carácter académico, científico y de interés general.
This collection provides multidisciplinary Latin American scientific, academic, and general interest materials. [Full-text]
Insurance and Liability Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
Collection of journals that takes a broad view of this multimillion dollar industry, covering such topics as labor relations, mortgage banking, legal issues, and more. [Full-text]
Issues & Controversies (Infobase – Facts on File)
Explores hundreds of current topics in politics, government, business, society education, and popular culture.
Issues & Controversies in American History (Infobase)
Builds a deeper understanding of how historical events have shaped our nation by exploring the key players and the battles they fought.
Junior Edition (Gale InfoTrac)
Designed for students in middle school: access to a variety of indexed and full-text magazines, newspapers and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports, and more. [Full-text]
Kid’s Edition – K12 (Gale InfoTrac)
Designed for elementary school students, and provides easy access to full-text magazines, from publishers, such as Cobblestones and Scholastic and Time, newspapers and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports, and more. [Full-text]
Kids Infobits (Gale InfoTrac)
A database developed especially for beginning researchers in Kindergarten through Grade 5. Features a developmentally appropriate, visually graphic interface, and a popular search method – moving from a broad subject to a narrower topic using the subject-based topic tree. The curriculum-related, age appropriate, full-text content is from elementary reference sources and magazines. This database covers geography, current events, the arts, science, health, people, government, history, sports, and more. [Full-text]
LegalTrac (Gale InfoTrac)
Indexes more than 1,400 titles including major law reviews, legal newspapers, bar association journals and international legal journals. Each title included in LegalTrac ® is selected on the basis of criteria provided by a special advisory committee of the American Association of Law Libraries. Also contains law-related articles from over 1,000 additional business and general interest titles. [Some full-text]
Literary Reference Center (EBSCO)
Information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and time frames. [Some full-text]
Military and Intelligence Database (Gale InfoTrac)
Full-text from over 400 journals.
Newsstand (Gale InfoTrac)
Full-text of New York Times, Albuquerque Tribune. Quay County Sun, Santa Fe New Mexican, and more. [Full-text]
Nursing Allied Health Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
All aspects of the nursing profession – from direct patient care to health care administration. 400 titles.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context (Gale InfoTrac)
Resource for locating information and articles on controversial topics. [Some full-text]
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine (Gale InfoTrac)
Predominantly full-text collection includes over 50 titles in the fields of physical therapy and sports medicine.
Points of View Reference Center (EBSCO)
Essays that present multiple sides of a current issues; provides 250 topics, each with an overview (objective background/description), point (argument),counterpoint (opposing argument), and Critical Thinking Guide . [Full-text]
Pop Culture Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
More than 100 full-text journals.
Popular Magazines (Gale InfoTrac)
More than 1,000 titles with a strong focus on current events, sports, science, and health. [Full-text]
Professional Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
Magazines for Education Professionals. [Full-text]
Psychology Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
A basic understanding of the study of the mind, emotions, and how the human mind develops – and diminishes – over time. [Full-text]
Religion and Philosophy (Gale InfoTrac)
Research different religions and philosophies and how they impact our daily lives. [Full-text]
Science Online (Infobase)
Searchable science titles.
Small Business Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
Learn how to start, finance or manage your small business with sample business plans, how to guides, articles and websites.
Small Business Resource Center (Gale InfoTrac)
Complete small business management resources via a combination of periodicals and reference content.
Small Engine Repair Reference Center (EBSCO)
Repair information for ATVs, commercial mowers, farm tractors, generators, motorcycles, marine (boats), outdoor power equipment, PWC (personal watercraft/jet ski), snow blowers, snowmobiles, tillers, and other small engines. [Full-text]
Student Edition (Gale InfoTrac)
Periodical database designed for high-school students: access to a variety of indexed and full-text magazines, newspapers, podcasts, and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports, and more.
US History (Gale InfoTrac)
Coverage of both the current thinking and events in US History. [Full-text]
Vocation and Careers Collection (Gale InfoTrac)
400 full-text journals.
War and Terrorism (Gale InfoTrac)
Full-text journals.
World History (Gale InfoTrac)
Full-text journals.