May 23, 2016

Jennie Hall, recent Mesalands Community College graduate, was one of the student speakers at the Allied Health Pinning Ceremony.
Mesalands Community College recently hosted an Allied Health Pinning Ceremony for Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and Phlebotomy graduates for the spring 2016 semester. Fourteen CNA students and nine Phlebotomy students received their nursing pin. Mesalands graduates Jennie Hall (CNA) and Anastasia Schmitt (Phlebotomy) were the guest speakers at the event. During the 2015-2016 academic year, both Hall and Schmitt obtained their CNA and Phlebotomy certificates.
“We are all here because we want to help others. We are here to make a difference and we will do so, one patient at a time,” Hall said. “This whole experience has shown me, I am on the right path and healthcare is where I want and need to be.”
Hall also thanked Jeanne Moralez and Shannon Sommers, Allied Health Faculty Members at Mesalands. She said they are very passionate and committed to their students. She plans to transfer to another institution to begin the Registered Nurse (RN) Program in the fall.
Graduates also received their ACT National Career Readiness Certificates during the Pinning Ceremony. According to the ACT website, this certificate gives individuals proof that they possess the skills employers deem essential to workplace success.
Mesalands is currently accepting applications for the Allied Health Program for the fall 2016 semester. For more information, please contact the Recruiting Office at(575) 461-4413, ext. 171.
Pinning Ceremony Recipients:

(Left) Jeanne Moralez, Allied Health Faculty Member for Mesalands Community College, gives Anastasia Schmitt, Mesalands graduate, her Allied Health pin during the Pinning Ceremony.
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
Sydney Abernathy
April Apodaca
Jeanine Apodaca
Amber Aragon
Leslie Cogan
Marka Gomez
Casey Gorden
Jennie Hall
Anastacia Moralez
Charlene Montgomery
Ashley Osborn
Jasmine Rivera
Desiree Simpson
Maribel Villa
Milissa Arellano
Lisa Armijo
Ashlee Bradley
Virginia Rimillard-Kunz
Anastasia Schmitt
Darla Smaistria
Bernice Tenorio
Megan Thompson
Katelyn Young