Higher Education Bond C is a bond issue on the 2014 general election ballot that will help students at colleges and university throughout New Mexico. Higher Education Bond C is about ensuring our higher-ed students have the facilities and tools they need to excel. Mesalands Community College is allocated to receive $650,000 for much-needed facility renovations and improvements, including renovating and replacing the roofs of buildings A, C and D and upgrading heating ventilation and air conditioning systems. These voter-approved projects are estimated to create 1,400 new jobs in 21 counties around New Mexico, all without increasing property taxes.
Absentee voting begins on October 7th and ends on Election Day, when absentee voters have the option to hand-deliver their completed ballot to any polling location within Quay County. Early voting begins on October 18th and runs through November 3rd, and Election Day is Tuesday, November 4th, with polls open for in-person voting from 7 a.m.–7 p.m.
For additional information about General Obligation Bond C, visit www.higheredbondc.com/