Hot Iron 22
Mesalands Community College will have the 22nd Annual Iron Pour Workshop,
March 8-14, 2020. The focus of this course is to build pieces, invest in sand molds and ceramic shells and pour iron. The course is open to beginning, intermediate, and advanced-level artists.
Register by February 1, 2020 to guarantee enrollment in this course. Space is limited!
Students must complete the registration process, prior to being enrolled in the course.
A $100 non-refundable deposit is also required.
Hot Iron 22 Registration_Packet
What to Bring: Tools and Supplies
A helpful list of tools and supplies that are frequently used by students during the Annual Iron Pour.
A detailed daily studio schedule.
Fine Arts Faculty
Mesalands Community College
911 South Tenth Tenth Street
Tucumcari, NM 88401
(575) 461-4413, ext. 153