A variety of careers are available in the field of Animal Science. From feed sales and nutritionist to buyer, handler and manager, the field of Animal Science offers a variety of career options.
The Animal Science program at Mesalands Community College focuses on the management, biology, and health of production livestock animals. The combination of courses in this degree provides a comprehensive educational experience that covers the anatomy and physiology, nutrition, food production and management of all major livestock species that benefit mankind. Students will gain classroom instruction as well as hands-on experience from local ranchers, farmers, and other livestock producers.
An associate’s degree in Animal Science at Mesalands Community College can be transferred to a four-year institution, or it can also be used to gain internships and careers in many fields. Students may also choose to take the knowledge and experience gained back to family ranching or farming operations.
Plan of Study
FALL First Year
ANSC 1120 Introduction to Animal Science | 3 Credits
AGRO 1110C Introduction to Plant Science | 3 Credits
ENGL 1110 Composition I (Area I) | 3 Credits
COMM 1130 Public Speaking (Area I) | 3 Credits
ARTS Cowboy Arts/Silversmithing Elective | 3 Credits
Semester Credit Total: 15
SPRING First Year
RGSC 2110 Introduction to Rangeland Management | 3 Credits
ANSC 2320 Principles of Animal Nutrition | 3 Credits
BCIS 1115 Introduction to Computers | 3 Credits
ECON ECON 1110, 2110, or 2120 (Area IV) | 3 Credits
BUSA Business Elective | 3 Credits
Semester Credit Total: 15
FALL Second Year
ANSC 2310 Introduction to Meat Science | 3 Credits
ANSC 1510 Equine Anatomy and Physiology | 3 Credits
FASC 1210 Horseshoeing Lab I | 3 Credits
Science Elective (Area III) | 4 Credits
Humanities Elective (Area V) | 3 Credits
Semester Credit Total: 16
SPRING Second Year
ANSC 1110 Animal Science Careers | 3 Credits
ANSC 2330 Animal Production | 3 Credits
MATH MATH 1130 or 1220 (Area II) | 4 Credits
Creative/Fine Arts Elective (Area VI) | 3 Credits
ENGL 2999 Capstone Portfolio Course | 1 Credit
Semester Credit Total: 14
*degree plans are under review and subject to change
***FYEX 1110 First-Year Seminar is required for all degree-seeking students with fewer than 30 credit hours successfully completed including transfer credits. The course must be taken in the first semester of enrollment at MCC.